
Cyanogenmod 7 GingerBread 2.3.4

The flashing went quite successful, despite that I couldn't fine EZBase 2.0. Went ahead with EZBase 3.0 instead, but it was still Froyo 2.2.1 ROM. Upon looking at CM7 interface, everything felt so alien to me. Majority of the menus were with black background. I supposed they were made for AMOLED screens?

Spent a lot of time reinstalling Google Apps and configuring the phone. Patch GTalk to v1.3, hoping that video call would work. Unfortunately, it failed, despite I was having GB 2.3.4. Urgh! Then proceed with installing Maps 5.4, which was a lot a lot easier than I thought. There are some other apps which I needed to install, but I can't recall them now. It's time to install Blogger app so that I could update this blog easily, aside form my Wordpress accounts.

I bad factor, the battery drain seems devastating. I guess I won't stick to this ROM for long, despite the speedy response from the ROM itself. Somehow, there are still some glitches in the menu animations. Not sure if it was caused by Spare Parts app settings which I made into the phone. Finally, ADB was not working despite updating USB driver with the latest USB drivers from Google, which was meant for Nexus S.

On a side note, I have installed the Force.com IDE into my Eclipse 3.6. Finally managed to deploy the updates in the Apex Classes which I made to cater for spaces in registration numbers from users input. Doing all these while watching Google I/O 2011 video, downloaded off Youtube.

regNo.replace(' ','').toUpperCase()

Sleepy and tired. I guess it's time to logout.


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